Customer Testimonials

We would like to express our thanks for the excellent service provided in supplying and fitting our new fireplace. The quote was competitive, the delivery period sensible and the installation process impeccable. Its good to find someone who does exactly what they have promised – a lesson many need to learn these days!
Hilary & Rod Tuck

Please find enclosed my cheque for settlement of the bill for the lovely job completed by you. I would like to say further that the staffs carrying out the works for your company were among the nicest people I have met.
Thank you for a lovely and happily completed job- which I had been dreading
Mrs Gallagher Chelmsford

May I take this opportunity to say what a great bunch of workers I had at my house putting in my multifuel stove. From Dave who reworked my gas pipe and removed the gas fire safely. Nick, who chopped out my fireplace, rendered and plastered it. To Jamie who lined my chimney and fitted my stove. All showed excellent skill and much attention to detail. I was impressed by their attitude to the job in hand. So once again well done.
Mr. & Mrs. Sharman

Thank you so much, the fire is great my wife is very happy, the installers where very professional clean tidy and always calm and in control.
Mr. Harrington

Hi Neil
I just wanted to say how delighted I am with my new Brunel multifuel stove. Terry & Caz, the fitters were so friendly and helpful and I am now enjoying the cosy glow of a real fire again – GREAT
Thanks again for help and advice and the speedy service
Mrs. Bright

I have just has your company install a Little Thurlow woodburner and am writing to thank you and your superb staff service.
The salesman was very helpful but most praise must be saved for Nick the fitter. Nick is a credit to your company. He is polite, well organised and the quality of his workmanship is first class. Please pass on my thanks to him for a superb installation.
I will have no hesitation in recommending your company to my friends.
Mrs Newman

We found your fitters extremely efficient and helpful and are looking forward to enjoying the stove over the next few years
Mrs. Ashworth