Flavel Windsor Contemporary – Modern Slimline Gas Fire-Brass

The FLAVEL WINDSOR CONTEMPORARY MODERN SLIMLINE GAS FIRE features a range of fuel beds and choice of trim colour and fits into any flue including Pre-Cast.

Stunning styling makes the Flavel Windsor Contemporary modern slimline gas fire the centrepiece of your room. It fits into any flue, including Pre-Cast (BS EN 1858) and features a range of fuel beds with a beautiful natural flame.

Safety: Flame Supervision Device (FSD), Airwatch System
Type of Heat: Radiant
Heat Input High: 6.5 kW
Heat Input Low: 2.2 kW
Heat Output High: 3.3 kW
Heat Output Low: 1.0 kW
Air Vent required: Not normally
Builders Opening Sizes:    Height: (min) 555 mm (max) 570 mm
Width: (min) 335 mm (max) 430 mm