Verine Quasar HE

High Efficiency Multi-flue Gas Fire

The Quasar HE offers an impressive net efficiency of up to 78% and features one of the most realistic coal fuel beds on the market.

This glass-fronted product has been designed to fit into most flue types, including Pre-Cast flue when fitted with a 3" rebated fire surround. Manual, slide and remote control options are available to choose from.

Safety: Flame Supervision Device (FSD)
Type of Heat: Radiant & Convected
Heat Input High: 4.5 kW
Heat Input Low: 3.5 kW
Heat Output High:3.2 kW
Air Vent required: Not normally
Builders Opening Sizes: Height: (min) 550 mm (max) 570 mm
Width: (min) 370 mm (max) 450 mm